Poker, Aliens and World Domination
Alien Bloom is a strategy game where 3 players compete for a 5-card Straight Flush on the World Map. Players must command their forces to take control of Territories and Continents while preventing other Players from doing the same.
Note: There is zero gambling in this game, it's purely for fun!
3 Paths to Victory:
- 5-card Straight Flush on the World Map.
- 2nd Win Condition (Faction Based).
- Sole Survivor.
Turn 1:
- Starting Territory Locations (J,9,7,4) are randomized each Match.
- Players can Expand or Attack during their turn.
- Players are not allowed to Attack until Turn 2.
Battle Mechanics:
- During Battle both Players must draw 4 Cards from their 13 card deck (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K,A).
- The initial 3 Burn Cards are compared against each other in the event of a Battle Tie.
- The 4th drawn Battle Card ultimately determines the Winner of battles.
Continent Bonuses:
- North America(4,5,6): Enables 2-card Attacks from the 4, 5 or 6 Territories.
- South America(7): Starting on the “7 Territory" enables the first Expansion of the Match.
- Africa(8,9,10): Enables 2-card Defense on the 8, 9 and 10 Territories.
- Europe(Q,K): Enables Attacks or Expansions anywhere on the World Map from the Q or K Territories.
- Asia(A,2,3,J): Enables the Joker Territory to be collected.
- Joker($): Used as a Wild Card for the 5-card Straight Flush Win Condition and unlocks the Super Weapon ability (Upcoming).
Nuclear Strike:
- Each Player has a 1x Nuclear Strike that will overturn Battle results and create a Radiation Zone.
- Nuclear Strike is available for a Player when their 4th, 5th or 6th Battle Card is an "Embattled Territory".
- "Embattled Territory" is defined by the selected Attackers Territory and the selected Defenders Territory.
- Example: The Attacking Player selects their Jack Territory to battle the Defending Players 3 Territory. If either Player draws a Jack or 3, that Player’s Nuclear Strike is available for use during this battle.
Radiation Zone:
- Radiation Zone's cannot be used to complete a 5-card Straight Flush.
- Radiation Zone's will kick controlling Players out after 1-turn.
Nuclear Ambush:
- Nuclear Ambush is a Defending Player option to prevent the Attacking Player from winning the Match too early via the 5-card Straight Flush Win Condition.
- Nuclear Ambush consumes the Defending Players 1x Nuclear Strike.
Final Stand:
- If a Player can be Eliminated from the Match during battle, Final Stand enables 2-card Defense.
Warning Indicators:
- The Poker Icons at the bottom left warn of Player's that are one Territory or one Special Territory away from winning the Match.
Humanity: Heart Suit
- Expand or Attack anywhere on the World Map.
- Ace High victories enable Feint Attack to steal any Opponent Territory.
- 2nd Win Condition: Control any 7 Territories.
Cybernetics: Diamond Suit
- Stealth Technology hides the Warning Indicator and Stealth Factories from Opponents.
- Conquering a Humanity or Alien Territory enables a Stealth Factory to be constructed.
- Stealth Factories transform the lower Battle Card’s into Firewall Ace's (2,3).
- Firewall Ace victories place an impenetrable Firewall on that Territory for 1-turn.
- 2nd Win Condition: Construct 4 Stealth Factories.
- 3rd Win Condition: Eliminate Humanity.
- Future Content: Firewall Aces block Nuclear Strikes.
The Orcus: Club Suit
- Conquering any Opponent Territory automatically forms a Mind Flower on that Territory.
- Expanding to a Radiation Zone automatically forms a Mind Flower on that Territory.
- Once 3 Mind Flower's exist, Mind Flower Territories battle with 2-cards for the rest of the game.
- While 4 Mind Flower's exist, Mind Flower Territories battle with 3-cards.
- Conquering a Stealth Factory or Mothership automatically forms a Necro Flower on that Territory.
- Necro Flower's transform the Deuce(2) into an Ace.
- 2nd Win Condition: Form 5 Mind Flower's.
The Aliens: Spade Suit
- Motherships always battle with a Queen High Battle Card.
- Start the Match with a Mothership.
- Every 3-turns Deploy Mothership enables a new Mothership to be spawned.
- 5 Deploy Mothership limit per Match.
- Holding down on a Mothership-Alien Territory enables a normal Attack from that Territory.
- Holding down on a Mothership-Neutral Territory Expands to that Territory.
- 2nd Win Condition: Deploy 4 Motherships.
- Future Content: Mothership Terraform replaces Radiation Zones with Eden Zones.
- Future Content: Eden Zones are equivalent to the original Territory Card.
- Future Content: Controlling Eden Zones grant Premium Eden Currency.